Saturday 1 August 2015

Nigeria Takes Over Rotating UN Security Council Presidency

United Nations, 1 Aug (Prensa Latina)Nigeria has assumed the one month rotational presidency of the United Nations Security Council, as the country´s permanent representative to the United Nations, Prof Joy Ogwu, takes over from Ambassador Gerard van Bohemen, the permanent representative of New Zealand, who held the presidency for the month of July, 2015.
Nigeria assumes this post in moments were terrorism and conflicts in Yemen, Syria, Lybia and South Sudan have intensify.
 In effect Nigeria is one of the country that suffers more terrorism coming from the group Boko Haram responsible for kidnapings and killing in the Chad Lake region.
 This is the fifth time since independence that Nigeria has been elected to serve on this most powerful decision-making organ of the United Nations charged with the responsibility of maintaining international peace and security. Nigeria previously served on the Council from 1966 - 1967, 1978 - 1979, 1994 - 1995 and 2011 - 2012.
 This is even more remarkable as it is occurring under the institutional memory of the same permanent representative, Ambassador Joy Ogwu who will informed the oter 178 permanent representatives of the activities planed for this month.
 Besides Nigeria, the Security Council is also formed by United States,Russia, UK, France and China who are permanent and Angola, Chad, Chile,Spain,Jordan, Lithuania, Malaysia, New Zeland and Venezuela.

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