Wednesday 3 August 2016

Soldering On

I can't give up now. Even though the battle seems fiercer than ever. I feel a weakness inside of me more than ever. But that's as along as I look only at the battle.
True, the battle presents a reality - a stark reality that is indisputable. But it is not the only reality there is. There is the reality of who I am, who God has made me. There is the reality of a DIVINE nature that I share and of a POWER that works on the inside of me.
But how can I be so strong and yet feel so weak? It's the dilemma of focus. What I focus on is what holds sway. If I focus on the battle, I lose my inner strength. If I focus on my inner strength, the battle loses its fierceness.
So, I must look on the inside, drawing His strength and reviving His Power. Then, I can see the soldier in me soldering on to take the battle to the enemy's gate.