Wednesday 15 July 2015

Understanding your greatest asset: Your mind

Once upon a time, there lived a farmer who was barely surviving. Although he owned a large amount of land, a recession and a drought were wreaking havoc. Circumstances took a downward turn, and in a bid to provide for his family, he started selling parcels of his land.
One day, an oil company executive informed the farmer that there might be oil on his property and agreed to pay him royalties for drilling rights. The farmer consented. The oil company went to work on the land.
Guess what? They hit a gusher. In actuality, over a hundred barrels of oil flowed before they were able to cap and control it. What happened to the farmer? He became an instant millionaire or what do you think?
Here’s the catch, the farmer had been a millionaire ever since he acquired the property. But until the land was explored and oil was discovered, brought to the surface and placed in the market place to cash it in, the essence of the true value of the land was depreciated and undervalued and this resulted in the farmer being buffeted with poverty when he had abundance with him all the time.
Most people drift through life just like the farmer did in the story above. The wallow in poverty when there exists gold-mine within; infinite wealth within them.
They look for help on the outside when all they will ever need to succeed have been packaged on the inside; all the resources you need to live an extraordinary life are all in your mind. Unfortunately, the average person utilizes only 10% or less of his or her potential leaving 90% or more of mind-power to waste.
Qualities of life
It is a little wonder why the qualities of life of most people are in the base. When gold is mined, several tons of dirt must be moved to get an ounce of gold; but in order to see the gold, one doesn’t go into the mine looking for dirt-one goes in looking for gold. Napoleon Hill revealed, “More gold has been mined from the minds of men that have ever been taken from the earth.” Wow! That’s amazing. However, many people from their childhood up to their adulthood have seen “dirt” in their lives rather than gold; even people around them are more than willing to show them the “dirt” in their lives all because they are looking for dirt.
We all have gold-mine within but just as the gold lies deep in the earth and covered with dirt, our own treasures lie deep within us (in our minds), covered with weaknesses, flaws, fears, doubt and ignorance.
To get to the gold, you need to look for the gold. To discover the gold, you need to deal with the dirt and get past the dirt focusing on the gold. To unravel the gold-mine within we need to explore the mind.
The mind exists in two levels: the conscious mind and the subconscious mind. The conscious mind is the finite mind. It is our contact with the world. It is objective in nature. It is governs the five senses; operates under the influence of the five senses-sight, sound, smell, taste and feeling. It is often called the feeling mind.
The conscious mind is where reasoning and thought processes are carried out. It is the rational mind. It is analytical in nature.
It discriminates between right and wrong, wise and foolish. It is the gate-keeper of the entire mind-the place where thoughts and suggestions are accepted or rejected which means that the mind operates selectively and judgmentally. All thoughts that are believed and accepted in the conscious mind are being transmitted, permeated or impressed on the subconscious mind.

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