Friday 31 July 2015

Nuns Block Katy Perry Move To Convent

No, no Katy Perry isn’t about to become a bride of Christ, which is good as we don’t think she’d suit a habit.

Instead, the Roar singer has got her eyes on a nice little Roman villa-style convent in Los Angeles as her new home.
But she’s been thwarted in her dream to buy her slice of heaven on earth by the remaining nuns who were left clutching their rosaries are checking out some of Katy’s videos online.
The five elderly nuns of the sisters of the Most Holy and Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary order do not want to sell to Katy after they googled the singer’s music videos and “didn’t like what they saw” according to Page Six.
Not into I Kissed A Girl then, ladies?
The sisters have instead sold it to a businesswoman, a move that a judge ruled yesterday was improper as they didn’t have the consent of the archbishop, who is keen to sell it to the singer (bit of a Roar fan are we bish?)
Hold on to your hassocks, it’s a bit of a legal tangle.

Superior Court Judge James C. Chalfant passed a mixed ruling that could mean Katy is unable to move into the house for many months.
The Sisters of the Most Holy and Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary sold the convent to Dana Hollister who plans on turning it into a boutique hotel in a move that Judge James deemed “improper and invalid.” Decidedly unsisterly.
The archbish has to approve the sale of the religious order’s house and he wants to sell it to Katy.
Sadly this ain’t happening. “You’re not selling to Katy Perry anytime soon,” Judge Chalfant confirmed to the archbishop’s lawyers yesterday.
The Roar singer, whose parents are protestant ministers, has agreed to pay $14.5 million for the convent and promises to relocate the prayer house used by priest, but the nuns have God on their side so, we’re not sure this is a fair fight.
Prayer for Katy.

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