Monday 4 July 2016


A man lived for many years believing that he was "good for nothing". Nothing he touched turned out well. His wife left him and one of his children changed his surname out of shame. His landlord threw out his belongings in what he considered as the last straw. His back against the wall, the man contemplated suicide. But before he took his life, he decided he would like to die using the most efficient poison. So, he went on his last journey to carry out a research on suicide poisons. In the end he came up with a concoction of poisons that could take life and dry up bones and marrows in a few minutes. On his way back, he came to a village that had been rampaged by rats. Seeing an opportunity, he decided to tarry a while in the village to produce his branded poison in commercial quantity. He named it "GOOD FOR NOTHING INSTANT RAT KILLER". The market's response was overwhelming. Soon, he built a factory. Soon, marketing outlets opened up in nearby villages. Soon, he franchised the production in other lands. He became a millionaire. Old friends came running back. New ones lined up everyday. Awards followed awards. He was good for something after all.
Are you said to be good for nothing and are tired of life? Before you commit suicide, take a journey into the land of skill acquisition. Spend your last penny to learn a new skill or to update one you already have. Before you know it, an opportunity that meets your skill might make you change your mind.
Go for skill. Even if you still want to commit suicide, you are better off dead in your work cloths than in your sackcloths and ashes. Believe me.

No man should underestimate the power of facts and their effects on strengthening our faith or empowering our doubts. Eyes see facts, limiting as they might be sometimes. We see evil and we cringe in fear. We see good and we are ecstatic with joy. As the saying goes, 'seeing is believing'.
Can I give an advise? Don't always trust your eyes. Your yes are of no use to you unless they are aligned with your vision. And in case you don't know, every authentic vision has inner eyes with which it sees a glorious future ahead. Whereas you can trust your inner eyes to lead you to your beneficial future, you will be a fool to make your physical eyes the primary source of your information.
I believe; so, I see. That's the tuff of world-changers. They see with their inner eyes a possibility that the physical eyes are too limited to see. They believe in the facts that the physical eyes are not trained to see. And through the power of inner sight, they brace the odds and force the physical eyes into agreement, which belatedly record the new breakthrough and present it as the new facts. These facts remain valid and unchallenged until you or another through the power of inner sight decide to change them.
Is seeing believing? If you still believe that, you can as well bid a goodbye to making a major contribution to your world.

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