Saturday 11 June 2016


This is a sort of disclaimer. You have probably been wondering where I got the enthusiasm that you often see me display from. I hope you are not thinking like I am thinking - that this is all about me. That, indeed, I am superhuman and can take anything that comes my way. This is to let you know that my very weakness is what you now see as my strength. Because I know I can't handle pressures, I try to cast all my burdens on the One who can. I just let the Lord do the worrying while I do the living. I give Him my trust, He gives me my life. It's an exchange I treasure and one that I engage in all the time.
Now that you know the secret of my happiness, will you please stop putting me on a high pedestal? And if you are as weak in handling pressures as I am, wouldn't you rather exchange your weakness for His strength like I do?
Your friend.

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