Friday 18 September 2015

Secrets every woman keeps from her man (part 1)

 USA, New Jersey, Jersey City, Young couple lying on bed
The woman you sleep with gazes into your eyes and tells you she loves you. And you believe her. You can tell by the way she looks at you, the way she holds you, the way she seems to always know what you want before you do.
There are a few of things in life you just know, and how much you love this naked woman is one of them. But there are a lot of things you don't know.
A woman may give you her body and her heart, but there are parts that she’ll never give up. Pieces woven into the very fiber of her being. Mysteries only hinted at in a passing sly smile, an inscrutable laugh.
These are the secrets of lovers past, hidden fantasies, and unshared longings. A woman’s deepest secrets that don’t—and never will—include you. You’re about to sample this hidden knowledge.
But like any man who seeks, you'd better be prepared for what you're about to find.

1. Her best friend knows everything
Two female friends having dinner
She knows all of your vitals—from the size of your bank account to the size of your other, um, holdings. When her friend smirks at you knowingly, you are not imagining it. She knows. So just know that she knows, and deal with it. (It’s not going to change.) Chat with her about your relationship at your own risk. Your secrets are not safe with her. This is not always a bad thing (e.g., if you happen to be telling her how much you love your girlfriend). But, in general, remember that she is your girlfriend's confidante first, and yours never.
2. Just looking at your hands can turn her on
Close-up of hands kneading dough
 3. When you go away, even for a day, she sleeps in your favourite old T-shirt

Blond woman sleeping on bed
4. She’ll never tell you exactly how many men she's slept with

 Woman with hand over her mouth
 No matter how sincere she appeared when she answered your question, chances are she wasn’t.As an unscientific guideline, when a woman says she’s slept with four men, the real number is actually closer to seven.
Her fib is partly intentional (she doesn’t want to appear a floozy), but mostly it’s sexual amnesia. When a woman wants to pretend an encounter never occurred, she simply scraps the man from her official score sheet

5. She fantasized about being with you at least a dozen times before it actually happened

Close up of woman looking up

6. She has Googled your exes
Woman lying on a sofa looking at her laptop, smiling.

7. When she's falling in love with you, she completely loses her appetite
Brunette woman sitting in front of an empty dish

8. Her body really isn’t naturally this hairless and smooth all over. 
Caucasian woman shaving her legs at bathtub
But she will never allow you to see any indication whatsoever of all the shaving, tweezing, waxing, exfoliating, and moisturizing that gets it this way
9. She only appears to have it all together 
Woman Searching in Handbag
Her true organization (or lack thereof) is revealed in her closet, her makeup bag, her desk files
10. She still thinks about her ex-boyfriends and compares them to you
African American businesswoman smiling at businessman on street
11. She has discovered your porn stash and your frequently visited porn sites
Woman working late on laptop in bed
And she thinks the things that turn you on are hilarious
12. When she says, "I'm ready," she'll need exactly 7 more minutes to get ready
Woman applying lip gloss before going out.
Don’t try to cheat the system by showing up 7 minutes later; She will still need an extra 7 minutes
13. When she says, "I'll meet you in 15 minutes," she means she will leave in 15 minutes
Cropped rear view of young woman in underwear ironing in dressing room
And thus, she won’t actually arrive for at least 30 (but probably more like 40). 
14. You’ve made her cry more times than you’ll ever know

Crying woman

15. She obsesses about when you’re going to call her again
Woman drinking coffee and texting with feet up

The period of time between your first date and your “Thanks for a great night; when can I see you again?” always seems stretched into slow motion. So don’t worry about looking too eager. Call. Even if you only wait until noon the day after, it will feel like a lifetime to her. And don’t send her an email or text unless you want her to put you in the figurative trash can along with your message 
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